Tuesday, June 5, 2007

What's an atheist?

I know many of you want to use the common definition of "atheist" being someone who has faith there is no God, but that isn't a very useful definition since hardly any of those people exist. An "atheist" is simply a non-theist. If you don't have an active belief in a god or gods, you are an atheist. So really "atheist" should be an umbrella term including agnostics, ignostics, and various other flavors of non-belief. Google Alerts sent me this little article which explains it well.

Heck, maybe there is something we would be justified calling "god", but if such an entity exists I would guess it's completely unlike anything our world's religions or philosophers have ever made up. So you can call me either a "weak atheist", or an "agnostic atheist", or an "ignostic". The first two because I haven't seen any good evidence for any entities deserving the label "god", and the last one because I really don't have a good idea what "god" is supposed to mean anyway. Can you define it clearly?


Anonymous said...


that atheist guy said...


Anonymous said...

atheists should die? that makes no sense. if there would be no atheists then you wouldnt have half of what you have cause very famous americans were athiests. like thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin. so no, we shouldnt die.

Anonymous said...

atheists shouldn't die why would you say that then may be you should die because of your religion

Anonymous said...

Oh really? We should die? Fuck you, asshole. You have absolutely no right to say that. Maybe you should die you son of a bitch. Watch what you say. So I suggest shutting up and getting a damn life. Thank you and goodbye.

Anonymous said...

in the end, we all turn out to be gay...whats the point?

Anonymous said...

what kind of religion is that? im gay too. i like men in case that was unclear. the god i believe in doesnt forbid gayness. He's actually cool.

Bailey said...

Ok they shudnt DIE...but its wrong to deny god... we all can doubt him sometimes, thts how it becomes our own.he died fior you..how can u jst push him away? I hate to say it,but if u screw god off forever,your gonna burn in hell for all of eternity.jst think about it...yeah I'm sure as fuck not perfect,but he is actuly awesome...can you walk on water,turn water into wine,heal the blind or crippled?...no.he did..and he took YOUR sins onto himself asking only 1 thing in return,loyalty and love.the 1st pp. He made doubted him so greatly tht he flooded the entire earth to kill them all.buttttt the rainnbow is a symbol from him tht he'll never do tht again.u can't ignore him fdorever,ur gonns be a christian someday...even if its in another life.......most ppl are atheistic cuz thry hate life....it ain't easy for me either,but u gotta alwatys believe there's gonnna be llight at the end olf a tunnel,...I get screamed at daily, my own mother has ppushed me down the stairs,locked me out of the house in winter,chased me with a beer bottle,buurnt me with ciggarets.and has hurt me so deep idk if ill ever stop hurting.but I know things will get better......and u shud too

molly lamountain said...

actually, theres nothing wrong with us atheists. its our belief. geez

Anonymous said...

whats wrong with atheists? they don't say that women shouldn't have higher powers over men, they don't say that slavery is good. they don't say that non atheists should all die, and they certainly don't use fear to get what they want. they don't reject homosexuality, well most don't, and they keep an open mind. religion can be a poison at some points, blocking out others opinions. I'm reffering to the bible by the way with all of those.

Demarcus said...

I'm a christian I believe in God. Your and atheist that's nothing wrong with that. Many people have different beliefs. That's why its called a world. If you don't want to believe there's a God its okay. I know I believe in God and I tried to get you to believe in him. I did my part. All I can do now is love everyone. Even though you and I have different beliefs. All I can say is believe what you want to believe love everyone and do the most right you can.

Anonymous said...

Everyone, who is atheist, everyone who is a believer, are not aliens from each other. We all are beings. We have flesh, blood, eyes, feet, feelings and thoughts. Some think they're better then the other. Not saying that's wrong to believe, or wrong to be true. I am saying, we can all love something. We can love animals, places, people. We all think something. Ideas, thoughts, answers questions. We all have opinions. Purple is better then blue. Birds are smarter then dogs. We do not all have facts to support our opinions. Purple is better because it is more of a blend. Birds are smarter because they can survive the winter in a nest in a tree. There are also, facts that make up those opinions though. Purple is more of a blend then blue. Birds can nest in winter. I do not believe God because he has never done something for me. I do love God for there he has gave us all a shot at life. I do not believe God because there is no proof. I believe God because I can feel him.
Last line, is no matter if atheist go to hell. Or if those believe in God will regret it in their grave.
We are all open-minded, have our reasons. No changing what people think, right or wrong, fact or opinion, answer or question, we all think for what we see and are told,
but different people, see and hear, different things.

mary said...

If you are born into this world, we should hopefully have been brought up to all agree to be kind and love one another regardless of there being a ''god'' or not / respect everyone, regardless of beliefs.
The fact you choose to bicker and hate and be abusive if someone does not agree with your belief is not impressive and shoots down whatever your religion is. it is sad. very very idiotic and sad and shows how ignorant you are....Stop concentrating and pontificating if there is a god or not. stop judging. love to love. live to love not hate. if you do not love your fellow man and the creatures we share this earth with, then regardless of your religion, you are not worthy of being loved back by man or any god you wish to believe in or fool yourself with - you are not representing anything godly. I have learnt that people who hate, like to hide behind being ''religious'' as if that's an excuse to be rude and insulting. It's disgusting.

Arnold said...

People think that if you can't see it or feel it there's no God and that goes for top Scientists of the world They look up down all around to say the stars but if you can read between the lines they say there's no God at all so what we just get boring and die? So if you are Atheists person then you should not be scared to take your life or take someone else's because you don't believe and a life after death or faith :( . I was shoot 3 times wit a 308 gun. I was driving home it was about 11:30PM i got hit in my lower back then my upper back and back of my head and i was alone and i seen what was a persons beside me and the person said Arnold get up so i did and I driver myself to the hospital and that person was still with me until i got in the hospital then was gone so i walk in and i said i have been shoot and the funny thing was she ask me was are you on drugs or drunk. I said no i never did any kind of drugs or drink in my life they she said where are you hit i took my hand from my head and it was all bloody and it was in the winter time so i open my jacket up and all the bloody just hit the floors like you would see in a movie. So yes i always believe in a higher power like God Jesus and the bible and i dont believe in a hell. Here's something to think about.
Without no suffering in the world will there be any forgiveness?

The Christian Voice said...

First off, saying that atheists should die isnt christian-like and is wrong in all God's eyes. And, second, there is a God, and its time you atheists relized that. Unless, you want to burn in hell, smarten up and act right. There is said it, i believe in god and will go to heaven one day to be with my God, the only God.

Signed- The christian voice

YourgirlA said...

Dear reader,
An atheist is a non-beliver in an active god. They are best described as people who believe in no faith and are "unsure about a God really existing". I for one am a christian, and are by no means an atheist expert, but i strongly suggest you visit a more informative blog. Look for my new blog coming soon. It is based on atheist beliefs and myths as well as informative teaching from the bible for active faithful christians. So, atheists, before you cast away all of the christian faith i encourage you to take a look at my blog, and see for yourself the true meaning of religon. Happy holidays to all, and wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

- A

Anonymous said...

I'm an atheist. I believe in nothing. I don't believe in heaven or hell so it doesn't matter to me where u think I'm going to go. My children will never be baptised cuz it holds no meaning to me. I'm all set with delusional beliefs and child molesting priests. If religion didn't exist and were good people like I am there would be less war and death. "When I do good I feel good. When I do bad I feel bad. That's my religion"

Anonymous said...

why does it matter who believes in what. Just because we believe in different things or we have different customs doesn't mean we should treat other people differently. whoever said Atheists should die is not being reasonable because we are all human and no one can change that. Just because i don't believe in god doesn't mean you can hate on someone else who believes in god or something else. When i look at other peoples comments that say, oh i hate you because you don't believe in things that i do, it makes me think and wonder what this world is going to come to if all we are fighting about is religion. It is selfish and ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Well I am a firm believer of God.I am both christian & catholic.Some of you need to cool down with the comments.So what if someone doesn't believe in God.You do your own thing and let them do their thing.Worry about your selves,your family,& future. Telling others to die if they don't believe in God is not the smart thing to say, denying god is wrong as well.Common sense people, grow up & do something with your life.Read the bible or something.Argueing at each other over the internet is foolish.If you believe in god well good for you. If you don't that's your decision,but don't think that you control your life.Its not like that, yes its your life but don't go around thinking " I'm going to do what ever I want." And for those of you that dont believe in hell, If there is a heaven there is a hell, can't just be one, has to be both or nothing. Some of you need Jesus & stop giving each other additude over the web, it doesn't prove your tough..Atheist or not we are all human, like it or not.

Anonymous said...

thats so true

Anonymous said...

Your telling us to watch what we say, well I think your the one that should watch your mouth.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone has a right to believe in what they want, some of you guys should stop making it such a big deal when really its not.

Anonymous said...

No one should die.
The reason God still keeps people of other religons is God wants them to believe in him. His son, Jesus Died on the cross so you can go to Heaven. This is all found in the perfect, book called the Bible. God spoke it. It is all true.
"For God so Loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Anonymous said...

Wow amazing comments