Monday, November 26, 2007

So Curious

I really would have liked to hear the conversation going on at this table.

That's three of the "4 horsemen" chatting over beers.

I wonder what they talked about?

UPDATE: My wish has come true.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I only recognize Dawkins and Harris.... who's the third? It's not Hitchens ,is it? I don't think anyone there looks like Hitchens...

that atheist guy said...

That would be Dan Dennett, the guy who looks like Santa Claus on the left.

J. K. Jones said...

Tag, you are it! You have been officially “tagged” with a book “meme” by J. K. Jones at See for details.

If you have already posted on this, so be it, but J. K. would welcome your participation.

Anonymous said...

Maybe why they couldn't get any decent beer and had to settle for Becks.

that atheist guy said...

Thanks JK, I'll try to reply to the meme tag as soon as I can. (I'm bogged down at the moment.)

Hoverfrog, it looks like their drinks in the video I just linked to in the update are much more upscale.